My card got Declined, what do i do?

Wise Man

Last Update 2 jaar geleden

If your card got declined it is most of the time a issue with the bank, but if you want some tips then try some of the ones below, else contact your bank for more information.

1. Check if your card supports payments in foreign countries

Do this by either contacting your bank and asking or logging in to your bank and checking where you can spend money in the world. Generally Europe needs to be on so you can spend it here.

2. If you use a Prepaid Credit Card

If you use a prepaid credit card then the provider can block certain services or website services in regions. Make sure to check if your debit card allows online transactions.

3. Check if your Bank allows online payments

To pay at you need to check up with your bank if you card is allowed to be used on websites or if it supported.

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